Learn Luganda

Learn Luganda Language Online , Learn Luganda online for visitors, English to Luganda sentences for Travellers, tourists and visitors.

Learn Luganda Language online for visitors ,Online Luganda lessons for tourists, Learn Luganda online for Uganda visitors.

Ready to wow the locals and make a lasting impression when visiting Uganda? Learn Luganda Language online for visitors  – how to speak the popular language of Luganda!

Luganda is the most widely spoken language in Uganda and is spoken by millions of people. Whether you are planning a trip to Uganda or simply want to expand your linguistic skills, learning Luganda can open doors to new cultural experiences and opportunities.

Impress in Uganda with your Luganda speaking skills! Learn Luganda online for Uganda visitors

Learn Luganda online for Uganda visitors

About Luganda Language- Learn Luganda Language online for visitors

Most native speakers of Luganda, or Ganda, are found in the central region of Uganda called Buganda. Luganda is spoken by about 4,000,000 people. It is spoken as a second language elsewhere in the country and is actually the most widely spoken of Uganda’s over 40 languages.

Greetings deserve the utmost respect. Here’s how to address them properly in English to Luganda sentences!

Number English Luganda
1 Sir Ssebo
2 Mr Mwami
3 Mrs Mukyala / Nyabo

Learn how to greet someone in Luganda make a great first impression!

Number English Luganda
1 Good morning Wasuze otya
2 Good afternoon Osiibye otya
3 Good evening Osiibye otya
4 Hi Ki kati
5 How are you? Oli otya?
6 I am fine Gyendi / Ndi Bulungi
7 Have a nice day Siiba bulungi / Beera bulungi
8 Good night Sula bulungi
9 Good bye (singular) Weeraba
10 Goodbye (plural) Mweraba
11 Welcome (singlular) Tusanyuse Okukulaba
12 Welcome (plural) Tusanyuse okubalaba
13 See you later Tunaalabagana
14 Please Mwattu
15 Thank you (singular) Weebale
16 Thank you (plural) Mweebale
17 You are welcome Kale
18 What did you say? Ogambye ki?
19 I’m sorry (apology) Nsonyiwa

  Luganda to English phrases for travellers- Age

1 How old are you? Olina emyaka emeka?
2 I am Nina
3 18 years old Emyaka kumi na munana
4 20 years old Emyaka abiri
5 What is your name Erinnya lyo ggwe ani?
6 My name is Erinnya lyange nze

English to Luganda sentences- Family:

1 Mother: Maama wange
2 Father: Taata wange
3 Wife: Mukyala wange
4 Husband: Mwami wange
5 Child: Mwana wange
6 Nephew/Niece: Mwana wange
7 Grandchild: Muzzukulu wange
8 Son: Mutabani wange
9 Daughter: Muwala wange
10 Older brother/sister: Mukulu wange
11 Younger brother/sister: Muto wange
12 Sibling (same sex): Muganda wange
13 Sibling (opposite sex): Mwannyinaze
14 Aunt (paternal): Ssenga wange
15 Aunt (maternal): Maama wange omuto
16 Uncle (paternal): Taata wange omuto
17 Uncle (maternal): Kojja wange
Grandparent: Jjajja wange

Let's speak Luganda! Here are some fun short sentences to practice, boost your Luganda.

Number English Luganda
1 Be careful: Wegendereze!
2 Help me: Nnyamba
3 It is possible: Kisoboka
4 It is not possible: Tekisoboka
5 Listen Wuliriza!
6 I am ready: Nneetegese
7 Slow down: Genda mpola!
8 Hurry Yanguwa!
9 Come here: Jangu wano
10 Go away: Genda eri!
11 I forgot: Neerabidde
12 It is important: Kikulu
13 It is not important: Si kikulu
14 What is the time: Saawa mmeka?
15 Where are you going: Ogenda wa?
16 What is this called: Kino kiyitibwa kitya?
17 What is that: Ekyo kiki?
18 Can I take a photo: Nsobola okukuba ekifananyi?
19 Can I take a photo: Ekyo nsobola okukikuba ekifananyi?
20 It doesn’t matter: Tofaayo

Jobs and Occupations in English to Luganda sentences

Number English Luganda
1 Accountant: Ndi Mubazi wa bitabo
2 Actor/Actress: Ndi Munnakatemba
3 Architect: Ndi Muzimbi
4 Business person: Ndi Musuubuzi
5 Carpenter: Ndi Mubazzi
6 Clerk: Ndi Kalaani
7 Doctor: Ndi Musawo
8 Driver: Ndi Dereeva
9 Engineer: Ndi Yinginiya
10 Farmer: Ndi Mulimi
11 Journalist: Ndi Munnamawulire
12 Lawyer: Ndi Looya or Puliida or Munnamateeka
13 Mechanic: Ndi Makanika
14 Musician: Ndi Muyimbi
15 Nurse: Ndi Nansi or Mujjanjabi
16 Civil Servant: Ndi Mukozi wa gavumenti
17 Scientist: Ndi Munnasaayansi
18 Secretary: Ndi Sekulitale or Muwandiisi
19 Student: Ndi Muyizi
20 Teacher: Ndi Musomesa
21 Volunteer: Ndi Nnakyewa
22 Self Employed: Ndi Neekolera gyange
23 Unemployed: Sirina mulimu

Countries in Luganda

Number English Luganda
1 I am from Nva …
2 Belgium Bubirigi
3 Canada Kanada
4 Egypt Misiri
5 England Bungereza
6 Europe Bulaaya
7 France Bufalansa
8 Germany Budaaki
9 India Buyindi
10 Italy Yitale
11 Japan Japaani
12 Kenya Kenya
13 Sweden Swideni
14 Tanzania Tanzaniya
15 USA Amerika

Describing Nationalities in English to Luganda Language

1 I am a/an: Ndi …
2 American: Mumerika
3 Arab: Muwalabu
4 Belgian: Mubirigi
5 British: Mungereza
6 Canadian: Mukanada
7 Egyptian: Mumisiri
8 Finnish: Mufiini
9 French: Mufalansa
10 German: Mudaaki
11 Greek: Muyonaani
12 Indian: Muyindi
13 Italian: Muyitale
14 Japanese: Mujapaani
15 Kenyan: Munnakenya
16 Sudanese: Musudani
17 Swedish: Muswidi
18 Tanzanian: Mutanzaniya
19 Foreigner: Mugwiira, Munnamawanga

Learn how to express your feelings and emotions in Luganda.

1 I am…Angry: Ndi munyiivu
2 Cold: Mpulira empewo
3 Determined: Ndi mumalirivu
4 Full: Ndi mukkufu
5 Happy: Ndi musanyufu
6 Hot: M pulira ebbugumu
7 Hungry: Enjala ennuma
8 Sad: Ndi munakuwavu
9 Scared: Ntidde
10 Sick: Ndi mulwadde
11 Thirsty: Ennyonta ennuma
12 Tired: Nkooye
13 Worried: Ndi mweraliikirivu

Learn Luganda numbers quickly and easily with our helpful guide!

This is a simple guide to numbers in Luganda which may help when dealing with Uganda currency.

1 Emu
2 Bbiri
3 Ssatu
4 Nnya
5 Ttano
6 Mukaga
7 Musanvu
8 Munana
9 Mwenda
10 Kumi
20 Abiri
30 Asatu
40 Ana
50 Atano
60 Nkanga
70 Nsanvu
80 Kinana
90 Nkyenda
100 Kikumi
200 Bibiri
300 Bisatu
400 Bina
500 Bitano
1000 Lukumi
2000 Nkumi biri
3000 Nkumi satu
4000 Nkumi nya
5000 Nkumi tano
10000 Mutwalo gumu
20000 Mitwalyo ebiri
30000 Mitwalyo esatu
40000 Mitwalo ena
50000 Mitwalo etano

The World's Religions in English to Luganda

Number English Luganda
1 What is your religion? Oli wa ddiini ki?
2 Catholic Mukatuliki
3 Christian Mukulisitu
4 Anglican/Protestant Mukulisitaayo
5 Born Again Christian Mulokole
6 Hindu Muyindu
7 Jewish Muyudaaya
8 Muslim Musiraamu
9 Orthodox Musodookisi
10 Seventh-Day Adventist Museveniside
11 Sikh Musingasinga
12 Traditionalist Musamize

Talk about interests and hobbies in English to Luganda sentences

Number English Luganda
1 What are your hobbies? Biki by'oyagala okukola?
2 I like.. Njagala.....
3 I do not like Saagala....
4 Discos Disiko
5 Film Firimu
6 Going shopping Kugenda mu maduuka
7 Music Nnyimba
8 Playing games/sports Kuzannya mizannyo
9 Reading books Kusoma bitabo
10 Swimming Kuwuga
11 Jogging/Running Kudduka
12 Biking Kuvuga ggaali
13 Photography Kukuba bifaananyi
14 To play soccer Kuzannya kapiira
15 To play tennis Kuzannya tena
16 Travelling/ going out Kutambulako
17 Watching TV Kulaba Tivvi

Explain Language difficulties in English to Luganda sentences

Number English Luganda
1 Do you speak English? Omanyi olungereza?
2 Yes, I do Weewawo
3 No, I do not Nedda
4 I can only speak a little Luganda Oluganda mmanyi lutonotono
5 Does any one here speak english? Wano waliwo amanyi olungereza?
6 Do you understand? Otegeera?
7 I understand Ntegeera
8 I don't understand Sitegeera
9 How do you say "...." in Luganda? Mu Luganda ogamba otya nti "...."?
10 What does this mean? Kino kitegeeza ki?
11 Please speak slowly Mwattu yogera mpolampola
12 Write that word down for me Ekigambo ekyo kimpandiikire
13 Please repeat it Mwattu kiddemu
14 Please translate for me Mwattu nzivuunulira

Get the Luganda knowledge you need - learn how to ask for directions!

Where is the eri ludda wa
Bus station
Bus stop
Taxi park
Train station
What time does the "___" leave?

Navigating Luganda and getting directions

English Luganda
How can I get to "___"? Ngenda ntya okutuuka e "___"?
Is it far? Kiri wala?
Is it near? Kiri kumpi?
Is it near here? Kiri kumpi na wano?
Go straight ahead! Genda butereevu!
Turn left Kyama ku kkono
Turn right Kyama ku ddyo
At the traffic lights Ku bitaala
At the junction Mu masang'aanzira
In front of Mu maaso ga
Next to Okuddirila
Behind Emabega
North Bukiikakkono/ Mambuka
South Bukiikaddyo/ Maserengeta
East Buvanjuba
West Bugwanjuba
North-west Bukiikakkono (bwa)-Bugwanjuba
North-east Bukiikakkono (bwa)-Buvanjuba
South-west Bukiikaddyo (bwa)-Bugwanjuba
South-east Bukiikaddyo (bwa)-Buvanjuba


English Luganda
Here is fine, thank you Wano wamala, webale nnyo.
The next street, please Ku luguudo oluddako mwattu
Continue! Weyongereyo!
Please slow down Mwattu genda mpolampola
Please hurry Mwattu yanguwa
Please wait here Mwattu lindira wano
I'll be right back Nkomawo mangu

Master the art of bargaining in Luganda!

How much does it cost ? Kigula ssente mmeka?
Won't you take less? Tosalako?
How about "___" shillings? Ate siringi "___" ?
That's too much money Ezo ssente ziyitiridde
Let me give you "___" Ka nkuwe "___"
I only have "___" shillings Ninawo siringi "___" zokka
Here is "___" shillings Siringi "___" ziizino
How about my change? Ate kyengi wange?

Some essential Luganda words to get you started!

English Luganda
Battery Baatule
Brakes Ebiziyiza
Car Motoka
Clutch Kulaaci
Engine Yingini
Flywheel Fuluweero
Glass Kirawuli
Lights Amataala
Tyres/Tires Emipiira
Radiator Ladiyeeta
Shock Absorber Sekabuzooba
Steering Wheel Siteringi
Truck/Lorry Loole
Articulated truck. Loole ey'ekyana
Driver's licence Layisinsi y'okuvuga
Address Endagiriro
Alley Kikuubo
Airport Kisaawe ky'ennyonyi
Station Sitenseni
Cabin Kayumba/Kasiisira
Careful Kwegendereza
Corner Kkoona
Confirmation Kukakasibwa
Danger! Kabi
Early Kukeera
Emergency. Ekizibu sky embargo
Empty Kikalu
Fast Mangu
Full Bujjuvu
Intersection Masangaanzira
Landing Kugwa
Late Kukeerewa
Lounge(room) Kisenge
Airplane/Aeroplane Nnyonyi
Port Mwalo
Reservation office Wofiisi ya tikiti
River Mugga
Sail Kuseyeeya
Kuseyeeya Eriyanja
Seat Ekino
Seat belt/safety belt Omusipi gw'oku ntebe.
Stop! Yimilira!
Street Luguudo
Take off, depart Kusitula
Ticket Tikiti
Ticket window/wicket Watundirwa tikiti
Wait! Linda!

By following these tips and immersing yourself in the language and culture, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for Uganda and forge  meaningful connections with the local community. So, take those first steps,  embrace the journey, and enjoy the process of Learn Luganda Language online for visitors.

DISCLAIMER: The  information contained on this Luganda Language online tutorial is intended solely to provide general information for the  personal use of the reader, who accepts full responsibility for its use